Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sometimes when I buy scones they can be a little too dry for me. But, lucky for me, I found a recipe from The New Baking Book that comes out nice and moist every time! The first time I made these was with Christopher and we put currants in them and called them Peter Rabbit Buns because Peter Rabbit ate currant buns. He loved them! This last time that I made them was for a play date snack. I served them with lemon curd that I found through Stephmodo via Design Mom, and some fresh whipped cream. Yummy! I think maybe I'll make some scones with fresh Lemon Curd to give out as Easter presents!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Got the Blues

Christopher loved pointing out blue things, especially the bright blue soda at the market! And who knew there were so many blue cereal boxes? Maybe we'll make it into a continuous project and do a different color each week. This is a great little fun (and free!) project to play with your kids, especially if they're just starting to learn colors or letters!
If you haven't checked out the Idee Multicolor Search Lab you're missing out- it's so awesome! This links to my favorite color search: pink & purple. But you can do whatever color combination you want, up to 10 colors!
I will get back to the baking posts soon, I promise! Have a great weekend!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Valentine's Day Cookies
Decorating music was a mix of Country Love Songs - perfectly fitting for Valentine's Day!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Bows in Stock.

Good afternoon! I am working away filling orders for my headband line, Harlow's Hairbows. I just wanted to let everyone know that the headbands I currently have in stock are Robbins Egg Blue, Baby Pink, and Baby Pink with the white center. I'm working hard on getting some of the other colors done including adorable one that's pink with yellow polka dots! Red is currently sold out, but there should be more soon. As soon as the headbands are done I'll put 'em up for sale. All headbands are $6 each and if you'd like a particular color just send me a message!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Girls 'n Bows

Thursday, March 19, 2009
A, B, C... don't you want to eat me!
Unfortunately, little peanut woke up sick on Wednesday so he couldn't go to preschool today. He missed all the kids enjoying the cookies as well as getting the chance to eat his own! But no worries, I set his aside and he'll get to enjoy his blue C cookie when he's feeling better. Sugar cookies with royal icing and colorful sprinkles- I just love how the sprinkles look!
decorating tunes: Taylor Swift's Taylor Swift album.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Snack time!

Monday, March 16, 2009
Watermelon Cookies.

Some watermelon cookies I did for the 4th of July last year. I loved all the bright colors together! At first I wanted to do a variety of fruits including oranges, lemons, and kiwi along with the watermelons, but it was a little too much work for my first cookie project. The hardest part was getting the icing the perfect shade of pink. But the best part was that my family were all impressed with my sudden baking and decorating skills! Sugar cookies with royal icing.
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Time to mix it up and post something besides cookies. Here are some cupcakes I did last summer for my fiancee's sister's birthday party. They're little flowers with some colorful sugar. I used a chocolate cupcake to look like dirt with different colors of frosting. I used gobstoppers for the middle and marshmallows for the flowers. They were perfect for the summer garden party!
Birthday Cookies.

Here are some cookies I did for a joint birthday party. My friend's son was celebrating his 3rd birthday and her daughter was celebrating her 1st! There wasn't a specific theme so I made blue stars for Peter and pink hearts for Katie. I did A LOT of cookies but I was so happy and honored to be a part of such a special occasion! They were sugar cookies with royal icing and TONS of sparkly sugar! I have to admit here that my fiancee, Gregory, and his sister, Elaine, helped out with the decorating. I couldn't have done it without them!

Construction Truck Cookies
These cookies were from the first cookie order I ever did! They were for a friend's son's 3rd birthday party with a construction theme. I love the dirt in the dump truck and the bulldozer (or is that an excavator? I'll have to ask my 3-year-old son!). They turned out really cute and all the little boys at the party loved them. My friend's daughter even said they were the best cookies she'd ever had! I think that was the best compliment I could have gotten from the 11 year old crowd! These were simple sugar cookies with lemon royal icing.
Friday, March 13, 2009
This is only the Beginning.
Per Lara over at The Calligraphy Girl and her helpful business skills, I am getting this baking business off the ground! Tiny blurb about myself, I am a stay at home mom with a beautiful almost-3 year old son. I love baking, scrapbooking, and photography (among other things). I have also recently started browsing some baking and design blogs online and I'm addicted! There are so many creative people out there and after reading some amazing blogs I figured I'd take a shot at it and share the work I've done... and hopefully inspire someone along the way.
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